Many states have laws that prohibit loitering on or a near a school or university. The specifics vary from state to state, but if someone is harassing you or your classmates at or near your school, even if it is outside of the campus, you have the right to report it.
1. Your first step should be to report the harassment to an administrator.
* In many places, any person loitering on or outside school grounds and/or impeding the free work or movement of students or faculty and who is neither a parent of a student nor has legitimate business at the school, is required to leave upon instructions from an administrator.
* In some places, an individual can be ticketed for loitering even without express instructions to leave.
* Either way, asking an administrator or teacher to ask the harasser to leave can often be a simple way to solve the problem.
2. If the harassment continues, or the school is unwilling to intervene, you, a parent, or a school staff member may wish to contact the police.