Blank Noise is in the midst of a new component of their “I Never Ask for It” campaign.
Background: To counter the insane amount of victim-blaming that goes on in India (and most other countries, including the USA) when women are sexually assaulted and harassed (or eve teased), they are collecting clothing to show the range of clothing women are wearing when they are harassed. People who engage in victim-blaming tend to say women were wearing Western or revealing clothes.

Latest campaign info: Anyone with a twitter account can help with their campaign by tweeting what they wore when they experienced any kind of sexual harassment, along with #ineveraskforit. They also offer a range of background images you can use for your twitter account. The campaign starts today and continues until Feb. 27.
If you are in India, here is information about how to be involved:
1. collect clothes from friends and family
2. bring them to the venue
venues will be updated on the blank noise blog:
1. organize a clothes collection drive in your college, city, office, neighbourhood
2. give us venue details and we will send you material required for an event.
3. inform us a week in advance
Method 2 is most challenging and Action Heroes will be given a certificate for participation.
take a photo of the garment you wore when you experienced harassment. make that your facebook profile photo + status should read : I never ask for it.
Please upload the photo in the event’s album too and spread the word- I never ask for it.
Next clothes collection drives are on Feb 20, Bangalore, and Feb. 27, Delhi.
Margaret says
Great idea! I Kudos!