Story Submissions Recap:
I accept street harassment submissions from anywhere in the world. Share your story!
- Stop Street Harassment Blog: 4 new stories from women in New York City (1 and 2), London, and Massachusetts.
- HollaBack Chicago: 2 new stories
- HollaBack DC!: 4 new stories
- HollaBack NYC: 7 new stories
- HollaBackLDN: 5 new stories
- HollaBack PGH!: 2 new stories
- HollaBack Toronto: 1 new story
In the News, On the Blogs:
- Fox News, “New Independence Ordinance Protects Pedestrians from Harassers“
- Guardian, “Women in Egypt get hi-tech aid to beat sexual harassment“
- IPS News, “Africa: Women Traders Confronting Sexual Harassment at Borders“
- Tech Eye, “Open source mapping tech goes global, helps women fight back“
- LASH Campaign, “Ken Livingstone: What Will You Do?“
- Start Up Cafe, “Girls: ever faced street harassment? Fight back with your iPhone“
- Progressive Women, “It’s Never Ok“
- KARMA Brooklyn Blog, “Street Harassment“
- Sept. 29: Brn Skn Speaks is hosting a radio show about street harassment at 8 p.m. EDT. Call in when the show is live at 347 202-0591. Email her with your questions, comments, and stories at
- Oct. 12: HollaBack NYC is co-hosting a happy hour with Envision Williamsburg and Feministing in Brooklyn, NY
- Oct. 8 – 23: Various Stop Street Harassment talks in California, Alaska, and Iowa
- If you live in London, take a survey about street harassment on the London Anti-Street Harassment Campaign’s website and help influence mayoral policy
- The book Stop Street Harassment is available online!
- HollaBack NYC is looking for interns
- RightRides is looking for interns & volunteers in NYC
12 Tweets from the Week:
- dyanti Dear members of so called progressive community,careful when u harass a girl in the street. U might pick a wrong one,like me
- jennifercwang Lovely. Street harassed by two obnoxious brobros last night. inappropriate! Hate this mantype. #iHollaback #streetharassment
- LEVYandMarie Just another a-hole harassing me on my block #streetharassment on Twitpic (cc @MarianneDiNaps)
- CircaJoyLynn Wondering why I chose this bright red dress today. I really don’t want attention from strangers… #streetharassment
- starlipswriters @rightsandwrongs The worst part of #streetharassment might be that harassers expect our silence. So speaking up & out is the thing to do.
- TheUndomestic Yelled a nice “fuck you” to livery cab driver who slowed down to make kissing noises at me. #streetharassment
- El_Amster Am surprised at lack of street harassment in Malaysia. Been here for 2 wks & not so much as a sidewards glance. I feel so free
- KristyKakes Can’t I just go for a peaceful run without getting honked at, whistled at, or a catcall?
- smartbunny When I saw a guy catcall a jogger, I yelled @ him, “Ooh a GIRL! I better yell something stupid 2 show what a MAN I am!”
- SpreeWilson Street harassment is out of control here in NYC according to my female friends…An aquaintance even did a one woman play addressing it
- DesiSanchez @iHollaback Random stranger feels it’s “sad” he can’t talk 2 pretty women in the street. Told him I feel it’s sad he feels the need to
- ton_o_fun I just witnessed some creepy dude cuss out this girl walking down the st. bc she didn’t respond 2 his catcall. I don’t get men