Story Submissions Recap:
I accept street harassment submissions from anywhere in the world. Share your story!
- Stop Street Harassment Blog: 6 new stories from women in New York (1 & 2), Wales (1 & 2), Belize, and Leeds (UK)
- HollaBack DC!: 2 new stories
- HollaBack NYC: 4 new stories
- HollaBackLDN: 5 new stories
- HollaBack PGH!: 1 new story
In the News, On the Blogs:
- CNN, “Man accused of assaulting airline passenger“
- Hello Ladies, “Personal Responsibility“
- Small Strokes, “Street Harassment. While Driving“
- June Bug Talk, “Street Harassment and the Problem of WWF (walking while female)“
- Men’s Anti-Violence Council, “Street Harassment Event“
- Penultimo, “Ultimo v. East Harlem: some thoughts on sexual harassment“
- DiamondBack Online, “Washington group tells students to ‘holla back’“
- The Daily Iowan, “Lecturer discusses street harassment“
- Stop Street Harassment, “What we wish street harassers would really say“

- The UK Anti-Street Harassment Campaign met with HollaBackLND & the Guardian‘s Rosie Swash to hold a community anti-street harassment meeting. They also launched a community art project.
- Is the book Stop Street Harassment at your library? If not, request it! You can also buy it online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
- HollaBack NYC is hiring a Program Director & had a new website!
- HollaBack DC! is looking for a graphic design intern
- RightRides is looking for interns & volunteers in NYC
Upcoming Events:
- Oct. 25: HollaBack DC & NYC & RightRides talk at Barnard, NY, 6:30 p.m.
- Oct. 28: Public hearing on street harassment in NYC, 1 p.m.
10 Tweets from the Week:
- snakesforhair To the sleazebag men of the world: if you whistle & fucking catcall at a woman & she ignores you, this doesn’t mean you should do it again.
- pedestrienne @cardiffbites Don’t let it go unnoted! Report #streetharassment here: Victimising women must stop.
- missystark past few days i received 2 wolf whistles & 2 other assorted types of street harassment…i didnt know wolf whistles were still in style…
- iHollaback Slideshow on #streetharassment with a little Ani DiFranco in the background.
- StephieMae Getting ready to prep for a discussion of street harassment in tomorrow’s class…
- BLANK_NOISE #blanknoisethisplace site of violence isnt fiction. take a pic of place u experienced #streetharassment
- nwilborn19 @carolynedgar she’s a baby, that’s horrible. I’m not a fan of street harassment of grown women. Its infuriating to see it happen to children
- Darrenissane RT @rm_phoenix: Street harassment is a really important issue, for both women & men. Please check out @lashcampaign & @hollabackLDN Retweet
- kimi2710 Today I finished writing an essay about sexual harassment at work and in public!
- JessiDG I’m decided. Protester shadowing a woman, muttering and “counseling” her = #streetharassment. It’s not speech; it’s intimidation.
Renee Wentz says
Hi, I’m the author of the essay above. I sent it to my local newspaper and added the next part so it would also be useful to men and not just a rant. “Guys, we women DO think some of those same things you say. Trust me, we are sexual beings and we see a man sometimes and THINK – “Damn……I’d like to a, b, c…and even z with him…” But that’s where it ends. Somehow we have a special thing called self-regulation. Well, maybe it’s not really that special. I don’t think it’s attached to the X chromosome. I’m sure have as much as we do. Use it. Everything you think doesn’t have to come immediately spewing from your mouth. Unlike some religious dogma, I don’t think lusting in your mind is a sin. Enjoy the visual stimulation without resulting to verbal provocation! If you want to greet us, a “Good morning, Miss.” is fine. Most of us even don’t mind a “Good morning beautiful/lovely.” It’s the “baby, sexy, fine piece of ass…” we dislike. When you are out with friends and they make a comment like this, please tell them it’s not cool to do that. Also, talk to the women you love and respect. Ask them how that kind of harassment feels. Then listen to them. We can all get along just fine, as long as we respect one another.”