A lot of you are coming to my blog today from the BBC Magazine article about street harassment – welcome!
I just want to quickly direct you to a few resources that may be useful:
- Unsure what street harassment is? You’re not alone – read more here.
- Suggestions for how to respond to harassers (though sadly, there’s no one-size-fits-all response)
- Suggestions for what to do if you see harassment happening (again, no perfect answer here)
- Global map of street harassment stories
- Form to anonymously share your story (if you’ve experienced it or witnessed it)
- More than 60 documentaries, testimonials, PSAs, and films about street harassment
- For people in the UK:
- Info about my book Stop Street Harassment (Praeger Publisher, 2010), one of the only books out there about street harassment
Lastly, here’s a list of suggestions for what you can do to help end street harassment.