Yesterday was a Field of Dreams, “if you build it they will come” moment for me as the decision I made on the morning of February 20 to make March 20 International Anti-Street Harassment Day turned out to be so successful. I’m inspired by people’s creativity and passion and I appreciate how many people around the world helped make the day a success by spreading the word and planning action.
And actually, a lot of activism is continuing this week. For example, events are taking place tomorrow on campuses in Toronto, Canada, and Delhi, India. Woohoo!
It’s great to see events spread out because after all, we know that one day won’t solve this problem. One day won’t even come close. But it’s still valid that March 20 was a starting point for action and dialogue for many people, and a continuing point for many more.
Let’s keep that momentum going. Here are ideas for what you can do to address street harassment year-round! And guess what, next year will be even bigger!

What happened yesterday?
- There were lots of articles and blog posts (and more today from Feministing, Bust Magazine, and Bikya Masr).
- Twitter was flooded with #AntiStreetHarassmentDay stories, statements, and statistics.
- And the photos are starting to roll in showing the amazing activism.
Here’s a quick round up of feedback I’ve received so far about what went down for Anti-Street Harassment Day!
“It was pretty chilly here today, so we didn’t get a fabulous turnout, but we got pictures of us outside City Hall with our [anti-street harassment] signs.”
– Becca Nicole, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
“[Folks in Atlanta] went to Five Points MARTA station yesterday to conduct research. This dude started following us saying, ‘Ladies, can I just stop you for a moment and tell you how pretty you all are?’ So we pointed to our ‘Happy Anti-Street Harassment Day’ sign and said, ‘NO. It is Anti-Street Harassment Day.’ He was …embarrassed and totally backed off. Awesome.”
– HollaBack Atlanta, Georgia
“We had a great team and a great time doing the 14th St community audit … All went well — very useful info, very successful day — we had some really terrific conversations along the way.”
– Marty Langelan, Author of Back Off!, who participated in the DC Community Safety Audit, organized by Stop Street Harassment (me) and Holla Back DC!, Washington, DC
“We had a great time in Philly. Engaged the community and it was well documented. Some of us decided that we want to do outreach more regularly.” [They did a lot of sidewalk chalk messaging]
– Walking Home Filmmaker Nuala Cabral, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“The Relationship Abuse Prevention Program (RAPP) Peer Leaders at Tottenville High, Staten Island, NY, USA, worked to raise awareness about street harassment on March 21…The students will be tabling all week long. There also will be a project at Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School in Brooklyn this week.”
– Rona Solomon, Deputy Director, Center Against Domestic Violence, New York
“First Annual Anti-Street Harassment Day went amazingly! We stenciled in 5 locations around town and handed out over 40 fliers to people asking us what we were doing! Also, got to respond to street harassment as it was happening!”
– Hollaback CoMO, Columbia, Missouri
“Handed out about 100 flyers, 10 good conversations, dozens of “thumbs up” and no detractors!!” [This group of five also held anti-street harassment posters]
– Alan Kearl, Astoria, New York (he’s my dad!)
nualacabral says
So thrilled to be a part of this! Here’s a link to my blog post about the Anti Street Harassment Day in Philadelphia: