Sharing our stories helps us feel better, makes us feel less alone, raises awareness about street harassment, and sometimes can lead to concrete action.
The Washington Post recently reported that police arrested a man who was inappropriately touching women on trains after one woman posted an account on the blog Unstuck DC Metro. She said the man stood behind her, rubbing against her twice.
Via The WaPo:
“The man took the yellow line from L-Enfant to Pentagon and rode the last car… An undercover Metro police officer who read the account decided to pursue the tip.
The woman’s detailed description of the man including his glasses and watch helped officers catch him engaging in the same behavior. The man was arrested Wednesday and charged with assault and battery.
Transit police are asking any other victims to call them at 301-955-5000.”
A lot of the harassment that happens in public places is legal, but actions like groping, rubbing against someone sexually, flashing, and public masturbation are illegal. If you have the time and energy, consider reporting such acts, especially since these people tend to be repeat offenders, just as the man in this incident was.
Jen says
Sheer awesomeness! A model for all police.
Sally Miller says
Kuddos to the police and especially to the undercover Metro Police, it is a great happy ending to a bad experience, and to bad illegal behavior.
Amelia says
That’s pretty amazing – I love that a cop will go ‘out of his way’ to take a groping event seriously & catch the perpetrator… just from reading a blog post. Very awesome
delila says
its great to hav ethis space to vent in..not feeling souly alone , but instead i feel some ia ma not the only one noticing this grave injustice..and have soem sisterhood..that stand up and speak out.i am more than sick and tired of putting up with mens pathetic crap..that they gat waway with ..time to step back into our POWER..i have bben noticing lately by the poasts ..i am not saying its right for every situation because sometimes , its a very real threat that your life that we very well may be endangered always have to weigh up each situation,as it arises..however this wek i have been giving it back to them ! giving fingers to them at the lights letting them know that i am more than ready to humiliate them in front of their pathetic! i notice they do not even have the balls to do this on their own( i realise this isnt always the case )however i do..and if i have a captive audience ,like say at the traffic lights .i will completely humiliate them and let them feel some of their own ,right back at them..this ssems to be working for most of them to deter them and save another sista who might not, feel so brave..its giving them the strong msg that their pathetic unwantecd beahaviour is not acceptable @ all.some times we nned to rise up stand in our power and fight fire with fire!
delila says
whoops pls excuse me! i was writing under vino tinto therapy!