I was walking to a CVS in my neighborhood and walked past a man who looked unkempt and was leaning on a railing next to the store. I avoided eye contact and as I walked towards him he yelled, “Why you teasing me like that?” “Why you teasing me like that?” And he shook his entire body (like he was cold) to illustrate his point. Mind you, I was wearing a black winter coat, a sweatshirt, and jeans. This man just wanted to harass me for no reason.
I just ignored him and did not respond. Minutes later when I exited the store, I went the opposite way from which I had came in order to avoid the man. Even then, I knew he was waiting for me to come out, because he called to me even as I was walking in the opposite direction.
I was so frustrated that I went online looking for ways to deal to street harassment and I found this website. I’ve been street harassed numerous times and I’m never quite sure how to respond for fear that the person might retaliate. However after reading some stories on the site, I’ll try to use some of the suggestions I saw on here.
No woman deserves to be harassed under any circumstance.
– Anonymous
Location: 4555 Wisconsin Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016
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Beckie says
i’m glad you found this site and I am so sorry this happens to you.