Read stories, news articles, blog posts, and tweets about street harassment from the past week.
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Street Harassment Stories:
Share your story! You can read street harassment stories on the Web at:
Many of the Hollaback sites
In the News, on the Blogs:

* The Daily News Egypt, “Reports of sexual harassment mar Jan. 25 anniversary“
* CNN, “Malawian women protest after attacks for wearing pants, miniskirts“
* Jezebel, “Why I Punched a Stranger” and the follow up, Sparkle All Day, “The Punch Heard Round The World“
* XO Jane, “Dear Randos, No You Cannot Walk My Dog“
* BBC, “India: Delhi boy invents device to deter attackers“
* IBN Live, “20 held for eve teasing“
* Jezebel, “Guys Explain the Common Catcall“
* Boston Curbed, “Which Neighborhood Is the Worst for Street Harassment?“
Activism Announcements:
* Women and men in Malawi marched to protest a recent spat of street harassment and assaults
* what were you wearing when you got stared at or street harassed? Submit your photo
* Start planning for International Anti-Street Harassment Week, March 18-24
* Sign the Petition: “Demand Justice for Two Men Killed Trying to Stop Street Harassment“
* Read a Baltimore, Maryland, college student’s thesis on street harassment
* The Adventures of Salwa campaign has a hotline for sexual harassment cases in Lebanon: 76-676862.
* In Bangalore, India, there is a helpline for street harassment 080 – 22943225 / 22864023
10 Tweets from the Week:
1. YaraMSaleh Today, some men were trying to make sure that women in #tahrir and in marches are safe, but pigs were still there. #EndSH
2. sokarhanem “@sotsoy: Egyptian men need serious education on how to treat women. Touching someone without permission is a violation of privacy #endsh“
3. RanyaKhalifa Talking & writing about sexual harassment isn’t enough anymore..concrete measures r desperately needed..we need to discuss this NOW..#EndSH
4. MyCrippledEagle Street harassment is about power, is about assuming ownership of someone else’s body.
5. cairowire the streets of cairo belong to us all. and we all have the right to be free, safe and unmolested — regardless of gender. #humanrights #EndSH
6. nouvellechic: Street harassment is vigilante punishment of a woman for daring to occupy public space. #whosestreets” gender terrorism
7. Psypherize Ladies, get permenant ink with you and use it to mark the harraser. That way they would be easily spotted and dealt with. #Egypt #EndSH
8. kintoall @namivuyo I broke down crying in the middle of the street thinking about all the #harassment and workplace bullying I have been through ME,2
9. HimawariChibi The issue of #streetharassment is like a video game. Women must try different paths/outfits/tactics in order to not lose
10. RanyaKhalifa#Jan25 wasn’t meant 2 liberate men only from is meant 4 ALL Egyptians..women in #Egypt need dignity, respect & safety.. #EndSH