Sexual harassment and assault are common problems on public transportation systems worldwide, including in Washington, DC.
To address this problem, over the past two weeks in DC, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority (WMATA) has rolled out a public service announcement (PSA) campaign in 28 subway stations. Many stations have both English and Spanish versions. The PSA states that the harassment is not okay and lists information about how to report it.
Background: Since February, I’ve been part of a team at Collective Action for Safe Spaces pressuring WMATA to do more about sexual harassment and assault. We testified in February before the DC City Council, specifically before Ward 4 City Council Member Muriel Bowser. Bowser was very disturbed by the information we shared with her and asked WMATA to address it. Thankfully, WMATA is addressing it, including through the newly launched PSAs.
Stations: Here is a list of the Metro stations where you can find the ads:
1. Addison Road Metro
2. Ballston Metro
3. Benning Road Metro
4. Benning Road Metro – Spanish
5. Capitol Heights Metro
6. Cheverly Metro
7. Cheverly Metro – Spanish
8. Clarendon Metro
9. Cleveland Park Metro
10. DuPont Circle Metro
11. Eisenhower Metro – Spanish
12. Eisenhower Metro
13. Foggy Bottom Metro – Spanish
14. Forest Glenn Metro
15. Forest Glenn Metro
16. Fort Totten Metro – Spanish
17. Fort Totten Metro
18. Franconia-Springfield Metro
19. Franconia-Springfield Metro – Spanish
20. Georgia Avenue Petworth Metro
21. Glenmont Metro
22. Glenmont Metro – Spanish
23. Grosvenor Metro
24. Huntington Metro
25. Judiciary Square Metro – Spanish
26. Landover Metro
27. Landover Metro
28. L’Enfant Plaza Metro – Spanish
29. New Carrollton Metro
30. Potomac Avenue Metro
31. Potomac Avenue Metro – Spanish
32. Prince Georges Plaza Metro
33. Prince Georges Plaza Metro – Spanish
34. Takoma Metro
35. Van Dorn Metro – Spanish
36. Van Ness 006 Metro
37. Van Ness 008 Metro
38. Waterfront 006 Metro – Spanish
39. Waterfront 007 Metro
40. Wheaton 014 Metro
You can report harassment very easily online.
Do you want to see a similar campaign in your city? Reach out to your transit authority and let them know!
beckie says
very exciting!!