Read stories, news articles, blog posts, and tweets about street harassment from the past few weeks.
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Street Harassment Stories:
Share your story! You can read street harassment stories on the Web at:
Ramallah Street Watch in Palestine
Street Harassment in South Africa
Many of the Hollaback sites
Street Harassment In the News, on the Blogs:
* Egypt Independent, “Movement plans patrols to counter sexual harassment during Eid“
* IBN Live, “Teenager kills self after eve-teasing“
* AFP, “Syria refugees battle heat, dust, sexual harassment“
* What While We Slept, “Sexism & Street Harassment in Brussels and Knoxville“
* Azerby Jake, “Stop Street Harassment!“
* From the Mind of Sister Storm, “Street Harassment 101“
* Meet Istanbul (Not Constantinople), “Street harassment before 8 a.m.“
* Bikyamasr, “Egypt women fearful of attacks as Eid holiday arrives“
* Egypt Independent, “The Sexual Harassment File: Coping mechanisms“
* You can view the full anti-street harassment documentary “War Zone” online now.
* Next Sunday (Aug. 26) in DC is a benefit concert for Collective Action for Safe Spaces
* Young men from Balaken and Zaqatala, in northern Azerbaijan, produced a great video to try and put an end to street harassment
* Vote for Hollaback Philly’s transit ad project
* Activists in South Africa launched a new website about street harassment
* The anti-sexual harassment public service announcement signs are now up in several Washington, DC metro stations!
* Help fund a new film about street harassment
* The Stop Street Harassment book is available in paperback for $15.
* Submit art about street harassment for the VoiceTool Product exhibit in San Francisco, CA
* The Adventures of Salwa campaign has a hotline for sexual harassment cases in Lebanon: 76-676862.
* In Bangalore, India, there is a helpline for street harassment 080 – 22943225 / 22864023
* Report #streetharassment in Pakistan at @NameAndShamePk, email nameandshame@ryse.pk, SMS 0314-800-35-68 or online at http://www.nameandshame.pk
15 Tweets from the Week:
1. @alysonneel @ibrahimep Sadly, as you probably know, street #harassment happens everywhere. But it is a huge problem in #Turkey
2. @aliciapees it’s cool how street harassment has dissuaded me from wearing shorts in public even when its 30 degrees celsius.
3. @lauraY_A This #Eid there are patrols to stop women being harassed in Cairo. The shitty thing is they are not enough. #EndSH #Egypt
4. @ayaelb Another #endSH grafitti in zamalek spotted. This time under bridge by coffee bean http://twitpic.com/aku9x4
5. @NihalSaad 2 rows one for protection and one for awareness. #endsh patrolling in eid in the metro.
6. @aliciasanchez corner of vermont and u street nw, man waves, blows kisses and makes kissy noises. #streetharassment
7. @MichaelaAngelaD 1 of the biggest stresses facing our girls is street harassment-walking to school can be like navigating a mental minefield #YesSheCan
8. @sallyzohney The beautifully brave @NihalSaad is organising anti harassment patrols during Eiid. Go help if ur in Cairo plz #endSH
9. @boodleoops @fynona @EverydaySexism #streetharassment is the reason it took me until I was 30 to have the confidence to go running on the streets.
10. The_MarySue Using #Batman to fight #streetharassment: http://tmblr.co/ZOO-nxRU0uWf #endSH
11. @PUREIDEOLOGY @m_kopas i’ve been catcalled more times than i can count, makes me feel pretty disgusting lmao
12. @MiaElFeky Would never have imagined so much feedback on the thing I wrote about sexual harassment. “I am mad as hell.” http://fb.me/1UCZPZYMn #EndSH
13. @FeministPrncess RT THIS QUESTION! What age did you first experience street harassment? If it’s lessened, what age did the decline begin? For me it’s 12/24.
14. @GrahamGemmell Men. Why catcall? It’s like announcing to the world “I’m not capable of intelligent conversation or subtlety and I’m so very lonely”
15. @natasha_journo writing an in-depth article on #SH in #Egypt, if anyone wld like to be involved please tweet or DM me #womensrights #EndSH #Egyptianwomen