Happy Women’s Equality Day!
Read stories, news articles, blog posts, and tweets about street harassment from the past few weeks.
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Street Harassment Stories:
Share your story! You can read street harassment stories on the Web at:
Ramallah Street Watch in Palestine
Street Harassment in South Africa
Many of the Hollaback sites
Street Harassment In the News, on the Blogs:
* Guardian, “Let women stand up to harassment from squids on the street“
* Lesbilicious, “Street Harassment: the taboo is finally breaking“
* Pavadanada, “I had to put an end to this“
* Women’s Web, “What Are Their Thoughts?”
* Zaghaleel, “Third Day of Patrolling against Sexual Harassment“
* Egypt Independent, “Sexual harassment wave continues for third day“
* Week Woman, “My Hijab, My Body – A Muslim Feminist on Street Harassment in Argentina“
* Egyptian Chronicles, “#EndSH : The Eid beasts are back !!”
* Egypt Independent, “In photos: Sexual harassment continues in Eid“
* Prince of Petworth, “Props to the Cops: Arrest Made in Sexual Assaults near Dupont Circle“
* The Times of India, “Stalked, abused in 1 minute, 27 seconds“
* Stop Street Harassment recently incorporated as a nonprofit organization. Please donate so we can conduct a national street harassment study and gather much needed data documenting the problem.
* Tomorrow there is an open mic in Cairo. Share your street harassment and sexual harassment stories.
* Tonight in DC is a benefit concert for Collective Action for Safe Spaces
* Vote for Hollaback Philly’s transit ad project
* Activists in South Africa launched a new website about street harassment
* The anti-sexual harassment public service announcement signs are now up in several Washington, DC metro stations!
* The Stop Street Harassment book is available in paperback for $15.
* Submit art about street harassment for the VoiceTool Product exhibit in San Francisco, CA
* The Adventures of Salwa campaign has a hotline for sexual harassment cases in Lebanon: 76-676862.
* In Bangalore, India, there is a helpline for street harassment 080 – 22943225 / 22864023
* Report #streetharassment in Pakistan at @NameAndShamePk, email nameandshame@ryse.pk, SMS 0314-800-35-68 or online at http://www.nameandshame.pk
15 Tweets from the Week:
1. @mzjudge People who encourage exercise should also advocate to stop street harassment. How do you expect folks to jog when they don’t feel safe?
2. @_jenniwithani I hate that street harassment can still ruin my night.
3. @umberg: @EverydaySexism street harassment count tonight: 11
4. @oh_so_random Street harassment is real in DC though. I’m bothered by the aggressive entitled behavior by many men I’ve encountered on the streets here
5. @mirabaz Incidents of street harassment while dressed freely: only 1 in 17 months, walking past a construction site
6. @jesssolomon A few blocks N of Howard U is full of zombies, and one just literally tried to grab me. #streetharassment #dc
7. @PennyRed ‘I’m here with my mum and little sisters and you’re yelling dirty, sexist things, it’s not ok.’ They seemed genuinely shocked and sorry.
8. @MaiE_89 Hamzawy: We need legislation that targets sexual harassment specifically. #Egypt #EndSH
9. @SafeSpacesDC Props to the Cops: Arrest Made in Sexual Assaults near # Dupont Circle http://bit.ly/TZPfK9 via @popville @DCPoliceDept #vaw #DC
10. @yesgawdhunty If you catcall me, I’ll give you mean look and call you a worthless sack of shit. You’ve been warned.
11. @erindwyer Get outta ur shitbox car #dirtypervs to catcall me so I can enjoy knocking you to the ground. And teaching you some manners. #skells
12. @toridriggers Dear construction guys at McDonalds, if you catcall at me I’m not even going to give you the light of day. #Thisiswhyyour single
13. @sallyzohney AlMasryAlYoum reports 134 harassment cases in police stations over 3 days eiid holidays. These r just the women who spoke up! #endsh
14. @MaelleP_ #VisitEgypt but with a pepper spray. Sexual harassment during Eid in pictures http://bit.ly/MMqz7v #EndSH.
15. @NihalSaad: Patrolling started at the metro #endsh pic.twitter.com/NrjGjpHC