Ellie Hutchinson is the co-coordinator of the website Hollaback! Edinburgh that launched on Sept 6. It is the first site to address street harassment in Scotland. Recently, the group launched a humorous Tumblr about street harassment called “Said No One Ever” to point out in a clever way the truth that no one ever says they love street harassment.
If you have an image/statement to share, you can email it to edinburgh@ihollaback.org.
Ellie on what inspired the Tumblr:
“Hearing people say it’s a compliment always made me laugh quite a lot. As clearly, if it really was a compliment then you’d hear stories about how all these people met through street harassment. Which you don’t, and the idea that folk are walking round just hoping that some stranger is going to comment on their body/face/right to be in a public space and make their day cracks me up. It’s so far removed from the reality of what street harassment is, and the purpose of it, it’s almost surreal.”
In her day job Ellie works for a national violence against women charity. When she’s not fighting the patriarchy, she enjoys laughing at it.