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Street Harassment Stories:
Share your story! You can read street harassment stories on the Web at:
Collective Action for Safe Spaces
Ramallah Street Watch in Palestine
Street Harassment in South Africa
Many of the Hollaback sites
Street Harassment In the News, on the Blogs:
* The Times of India, “Supreme Court issues directions to curb sexual harassment of women in public transport“
* OneWorld South Asia, “No passport, driving license for eve-teasers in India“
* The Journal, “Column: Shouting ‘nice arse’ isn’t innocent, and we shouldn’t ignore it“
* One India News, “Eve-teasing: Helplines in 3 months but no uniform law yet“
* Tech President, “In Egypt, Digital Maps Start a Conversation About Harassment that Continues In the Street“
* The Obsidian Files, “The Day Street Harassment Stood Still“
* The Gaggle, “Top 5 Catcalls I’ve Received in my Short Time on Earth“
* The Pixel Project, “16 Creative and Safe Ways to Intervene to Stop Street Harassment“
* The Pixel Project, “16 Memorable Stories of Standing Up Against Street Harassment 2012“
* It All Comes Back to This, “Running Scared?“
* Just Doing Me, “Street and sexual harassment“
*Follow Stop Street Harassment on Tumblr
* If you’re a woman ages 18-26, take a survey for a student’s thesis on street harassment
* Read one woman’s record of street harassment in NYC. Since August, she’s recorded over 50 instances 🙁
* HoodRules thebook is now available!
* Check out the project CATCALLED: the stories of 11 women in New York City from two weeks in August 2012, now online.
* Baltimore, MD, folks — take a survey about street harassment for Hollaback! Bmore
* Hollaback! Edinburgh launched a “Said No One Ever” Tumblr to refute the belief that street harassment is a compliment.
* Register — Webinar: Street Harassment: How To Stop Feeling Helpless and Start Feeling Empowered, Dec. 6, 2012: 8 – 9:30 p.m. ET, $15
* Sign the petition: “Tell New York: Subway Sexual Assault is a Serious Crime“
* There’s a new tumblr called Street Harassment Fashion that challenges victim-blaming
* METRAC released a free “Not Your Baby App” to provide responses you can use when experiencing harassment
15 Tweets from the Week:
1. @harassmap if sexual harassment happens 2 u / u witness incident that’s already taken place plz report it:SMS to 6069 / send details @harassmap #endSH
2. @HijabiHippie A man heckled me earlier when I was out jogging, something vaguely about my tits so I told him where to go #streetharassment
3. @mermaidalycia Ew can you not catcall at me from your car? This is why I don’t like leaving my room.
4. @hollabackWY Told me I was ‘sat there like butter wouldn’t melt’. and he ‘knew what I was like’ scarey stuff & old enough to be my Dad! #streetharassment
5. نورا @nsoliman #Tahrir women, I highly recommend mace/pepper spray as defense. It totally incapacitated a man after he grabbed a woman in tahrir. #endSH
6. @MurrrnaSaid Seeing even guys pitying Egypt’s women because of all the harassment they have to go through just for walking down a street makes me sad.
7. @OpAntiSH Official account for the #endSH task force, & here are the hotlines 01157892357 / 01202390087 / 01016051145 #Egypt #Tahrir Please Spread
8. @shadirahimi seen in #tahrir: back to back against sexual harrassment, night watchmen #stopSH @tahrirbodyguard http://instagr.am/p/SqxTabm_YP/
9. @ghazalairshad @yelayat I am! For the 1st time, nobody touched me whole time I was there bc @TahrirBodyguard presence + signs. Maybe diff for others though
10. jesssolomon #StreetHarassment is economic issue.I have 2have cab fare available in case I don’t feel safe walking.That’s a problem.
11. @emsbjewelry Just fucking owned homeboy next to me. Street harassment fail. His reply: I’m sorry, ma’am. I’ll stop tonight. *takes bow*
12. @TheFlatErica MJ in ‘The Way You Make Me Feel’. Tricking arab boys into thinking that street harassment is the best way to Pussy Heaven since 1987
13. @miriamparker New genre of street harassment: helpful. After honking and whistling at me, anman yelled: “You need a hat, good looking.”
14. @KendallBull Irritates me how guys in the street think it’s ok for them to make some dirty comment to girls… That’s basically sexual harassment. -.-
15. @the_author_: I dont want men 2 refrain frm street harassment b/c I’m someone’s daughter/sister, but b/c I’m a person & worthy of respect