Our allies in Delhi, India, at Breakthrough invite you to take action one week from today! Sign up today.
“Be a part of the launch of Breakthrough’s campaign to #RingTheBell. Stand up against violence: ring the bell & ring it loud.
This International Women’s Day, Breakthrough is calling on men and boys around the world to take a stand against violence by making a concrete promise to act to end it.
With men as leaders and partners, we can build a world in which women are safe — and in which all of us live freely, fully, and without fear. One action adds up to one million; one million add up to change.
JOIN US from wherever you are on the 8th of March 2013 as Breakthrough launches Ring The Bell, with the world’s first ever Social Media Storm. From 6 PM to 9 PM we’re going to be talking, tweeting, texting and facebooking about the issues around the safety of women and girls, how we are responsible for them, and what we can do to end this.
Believe in making a difference. Make a promise and be a part of the change. Tell us how you plan to #ringthebell.
Tweet your promises @bell_bajao with the tag #RingTheBell
Post a promise to Facebook
Email your promise to ipromise@breakthrough.tv
Support our shared vision of a safer world for all.
Be a part of the storm on the 8th of March. #Ringthebell and ring it loud.”