Watch a new PSA called “Make a Woman Smile,” by Temple University student Kara Lieff.
SSH: I know you created another PSA for a college class, was this PSA for a class too?
Kara Lieff (KL): Yes, this was also for a class project at Temple University. This PSA was made to fulfill a project requirement to use a form of filming called the Steadicam, so the class requirement part just relates to the style of filming. I hope to make more outside of class in the near future.
SSH: Was there a particular incident that inspired your PSA?
KL: There isn’t a specific incident that caused me to make this PSA, but I have seen more and more people speaking out (through online articles I’ve read, clothing designs, and art) about this specific problem of women being expected to smile. I wanted to contribute to this conversation, so I made this PSA to express my opinion that women shouldn’t need to smile for a stranger’s benefit or because women are expected to be pleasant at all times. I hope to address a variety of specific street harassment issues with future PSAs.
SSH: Thanks!
Watch more of Kara’s work here.