I was walking to the train station to get to work this morning, when this dreadlocked guy walked by me and thumped his fist against his chest. I guess he assumed that because I also had dreadlocks that I’d reply back in kind, but I instead said, “Good morning.” This caused him to go, “Huh? Huh?”
I’ve seen this guy before a few weeks prior. I opened the door of a nearby 7-11 and he just walked right through it without saying “Thank you” and went to talk to his friend hanging out outside as if I didn’t exist. I said, “You’re welcome!” sarcastically a bunch of times until I finally got a “Thank you” from him.
Back to today. I don’t think that this guy was following me since he walked over to the street a block away (whereas I walk down another street and then turn towards this street when I get closer to the train station), but once I was on the same street he started yelling “Yo!” and “Psst!” as if he wanted my attention. He was not going to get it, but I kept looking back to see what this clod was up to, keeping one step ahead of him. I managed to get to the train station and on a train, and thankfully did not see this guy enter the train station.
This incident made me uncomfortable, and since I have a feeling that I may see this guy again, I have to be on guard. By his weird reaction to my “Good morning” and his lack of sense at the 7-11 a few weeks ago, I get the impression that this guy’s not in his right mind. I didn’t feel that this guy’s behavior warranted calling the police, but if it does get to that point I have no problem doing such.
– Anonymous
Location: Courthouse area (Arlington, VA)
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