As many readers may know, Tatyana Fazlalizadeh is an oil painter/illustrator whose work focuses on portraiture and social/political themes. She’s the artist behind popular anti-street harassment art that periodically pops up in Philadelphia, New York City, and Washington, DC, and the shirt that reads “Stop Telling Women to Smile.”
We interviewed her in October 2012 when her work was just starting and now most major media outlets have covered her effort and she hosted an art gallery exhibit during International Anti-Street Harassment Week in April 2013.
Due to popular demand, YOU can now participate by spreading her art in your city/neighborhood.
“If you’re interested in pasting these prints in your city, please email stoptellingwomentosmile@gmail.com with your contact information. We’ll write you back with more information.
You’ll receive a tube of posters and information on wheat pasting. We ask for 10 bucks for shipping and handling costs.”