Brooklyn Movement Center is doing A LOT to address street harassment this summer. They’re holding regular meetings with community members to discuss the issue – and possible solutions. One of their current initiatives is working with community members to create a chart listing different types of street harassment, reasons why the harasser may be doing them, and ideas for responses.
“On July 20, they released the first draft of their Street Harassment Spectrum on their website. It charts harassment on an “intensity score” of 1-10, from non-aggressive verbal communication at one end (“Hey beautiful”) to groping at the other. For each type of harassment — making gross sounds, staring, walking too close, non-sexual touching, following, masturbating openly like a perverted chimp with no boundaries — they suggest why the harasser might feel entitled to do such a thing, as well as potential responses from the harrass-ee.”
Here’s an excerpt of the draft (here’s the link to the full version):