I was at the back of the bus today and a very large man was sitting directly to the right of me. As a defense mechanism, I endlessly stared at my phone, attempting not to make eye contact as he spat on the floor of the bus and loudly yelled out obscenities (to apparently no one in particular).
At one point he seems disoriented (–intoxicated) and started loudly screaming ,”Where the fuck are we going?” repeatedly. He pulled out a 40 of Olde English and begins to chug it – which distracted him for a while – but then he persisted in his loud questioning about the bus destination. He finally got a few muffled answers from nervous passengers but no one really spoke up. I finally said something and explained what buses he should take home, despite his condescending tone.
When I attempted to ignore him afterwards he began “complimenting me” – calling me a “good girl” and finally he said, “You should smile.” It really stung and I let out an audible sigh (which he later mocked). He claimed that he was a good guy and that he had been nothing but pleasant since the moment he got on the bus.
I felt trapped on that bus and quite afraid for my safety. I have been thinking about it for hours now.
Location: A bus in Mississauga, ON, Canada
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