Ending sexual harassment, street harassment, and gender violence will require: ending the social acceptability of these behaviors and youth education.
I am thrilled that the United Nations is releasing new curriculum to do just that! The release coincides with the International Day of the Girl today.
“A first of its kind, the Voices against Violence is a co-educational curriculum designed for various age groups ranging from 5 to 25 years. It provides girls, boys, young women and young men with tools and expertise to understand the root causes of violence in their communities, to educate and involve their peers and communities to prevent such violence, and to learn about where to access support if they experience violence. Working with youth organizations, UN partners and governments, UN Women and WAGGGS will roll out the curriculum to young people around the world. It will be adapted to national context, translated into local languages, and reach an estimated five million children and young people by 2020.”
Related, as an AAUW consultant, I am helping organize the first-ever national symposium on teaching women’s/gender/feminist studies in high schools on Oct. 26, in St. Louis, Missouri.
I believe these types of classes are essential for teenagers to take to better understand gender roles, gender norms and how to challenge things that are restrictive and harmful, and to understand women’s/girls value and respect them!
Registration is only $25 and the one-day event is perfect for educators and community activists who want to bring these lessons to their classrooms and communities.
Also, check out these resources for talking with boys about gender violence issues.