Nicole Capobianco is hosting an exhibit of photography and other media focused on street harassment next week in Brooklyn, New York.
Here’s more information about it from Nicole, if you’re in the area, I hope you can attend!
“This Is Not Hello” examines street harassment through various street art applied by women. Too often our voices are silenced and dismissed as street harassment continues to be trivialized in our culture and in public policy. This work bridges the connection between public space and the female body, as this art is surfacing on city streets for a reason.
Our presence in public signifies our independence, and thus we are so often reduced to mere sexual objects when we enter it. The contradiction in street harassment lies with our bodies being treated as public property while the behavior simultaneously reinforces that public space is not a space we are allowed to occupy safely. I hope this project allows for men to learn what it means to be an ally to our struggle and how important it is that they too participate in dismantling these behaviors.
This is about finding our voice, and finding the strength in ourselves, alongside others, to speak out fearlessly against patriarchal belittlement and abuse in all aspects of our lives. We will resist your culture and produce another.