My commute to work should be free of harassment, yet it is not. Don’t you know I have to drive to a different park and ride (10 miles away) to catch a bus that lets me off in front of my work place because the park and ride less than 2 miles away from where I live that bus will let me off in a part of downtown LA where street harassers are awake early with their stares and salutations?
I am bringing awareness to this because it is happening to my daughters as well. It’s creepy and scary. A women/child walking down the street is not a free for all. Men need to have respect and mind there own business. Yes don’t even speak because it’s an invitation to something else almost always. If we speak back you will ask for money or God knows what else. If we don’t speak we are labeled as mean or stuck up.
No, we are scared.
Just stop!
Now in a public setting (Starbucks, Target, public building, ect.) it’s okay to say hello, hold a door or elevator. Just stop shouting your greetings from cars or at every woman you see walking. She’s walking. She has a destination and I am sure she and her family want her there safely. I’m getting tired.
– Anonymous
Location: Los Angeles, CA