dude on the street says i am a f**king bitch
you a f**king bitch!
you ain’t too good for me
keep on walk’n bitch!
so i keep on walking
and walking
because it was daylight
and my dog was beside me
and i had faith, even if small,
in witness testimony
if dude decided to kill this bitch
because we all know what happens
when bitches refuse
we wake up in this city
with a fight right outside our door
we get dressed
knowing the eye-f**k disrobes the thickest layers
and the world
of all its pretense to justice
we brush our teeth and ready our faces
not for the catcall or the hand on the arse
or worse
but for ourselves
when we leave the house
we know the real issue isn’t us
but the men who feel entitled to our time, our bodies, our lives
and threaten to make our world contract
like a blast rewound
but a blast rewound is a blast in motion
lets break the rotation of this storm
when the streets hold you hostage
turn around and bounce a bomb into
the eye of that storm
explode this cyclone
when the red fire of his words
hits the hillside of your flesh
fling that grenade
take in all the oxygen and
starve that fucker of hate
we are not on the supply side
of male demand
we are soldiers in lipstick
with our own game to kill
in this average city
where breathable sidewalks
become battlegrounds
and we
its bitches
Michelle Marie has been harassed in the USA, Egypt and Costa Rica. She said, “I wrote this poem because I am sick and tired, sick and tired, sick and tired (I am sorry if it sounds angry but I am pissed as hell)”