I was whistled at twice in five minutes, before I made it to the first crosswalk near my house. Then, a man driving a semi honked and pointed at me. This happens every single time I leave my house, but THIS time, I was able to read the business name and phone number on the truck. I have written a letter to send to the business, and I am considering contacting the Better Business Bureau, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and/or any other resource that seems relevant.
I started being harassed as a pedestrian the summer I turned nine. A driver honked, catcalled, and threw a penny that hit me. Now I am 39 and I keep thinking I will eventually grow old enough to fall off the radar. Being honked at, whistled at, shouted at, followed, groped, and grabbed makes me angry, shaken up, and stressed out. This is the first time I haven’t felt completely helpless. Half the time, it seems the ʺhonkerʺ is driving a work vehicle, so maybe writing to the employers is a way to put negative pressure on the practice.
Optional: What’s one way you think we can make public places safer for everyone?
Police need to take sexual harassment seriously. Employers need to crack down on it when their employees do it on the job. It would also really help if some celebrities such as action film stars and professional athletes spoke up about it.
– Anonymous
Location: Van Nuys, CA
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See the book 50 Stories about Stopping Street Harassers for more idea