It’s been 24 hours since the devastating earthquake hit Nepal and the death toll has jumped to more than 2000. We have many activist allies there and are relieved to have heard from everyone now. They are all safe.
If you want to make a donation to help those who are injured, without a home, etc, here is one place to do so.
Another way to make a difference is to donate to our 2014 Safe Public Spaces Mentoring team Women LEAD Nepal. This is what they just shared on their Facebook page:
“As we pass the 24 hour mark on this first morning after the earthquake, a lot remains unknown about the extent of the damage and causalities, and the effects this tragedy will have over the coming months and years. What we do know if that Nepal is going to need a lot of help, and that the international community needs to empower and support local individuals and organizations to rebuild their neighborhoods, cities and nation.
Women LEAD stands by all the individuals, communities and organizations who are mobilizing to provide disaster relief on the ground in Kathmandu. We believe it will be important for adolescent girls and young women to play a strong role in rebuilding Nepal through coordinating and participating in immediate relief work, and in long-term efforts. Therefore, we are committed to supporting the WLEAD community in Nepal as they identify and respond in real time to their own communities’ most pressing needs.
We ask for your financial (and technical) support as we provide our staff, LEADers and partners with the resources they need to effectively respond to this disaster. All funds donated will go directly to our leaders and the projects they choose to run to help their communities in this difficult time. Select the “Nepal Earthquake Reconstruction Efforts” option under the list of programs to earmark your donation.”