I bike to work in Los Angeles. It is a short ride, about two miles, and only 15 minutes. Every single time without fail I am harassed, often multiple times in one trip by different men. Cars will slow down to follow me and men will purposely step in front of my bike. Whether it’s someone commenting on my looks, asking for a smile or hello, or even a ride on my bike, I feel degraded, disgusted, and unsafe. I feel that these men are asserting power over me and that I can’t escape their comments.
I often shout back profanities and try to degrade these men for how disgusting they are, making them feel badly about themselves in the quickest way possible. Either they laugh in the satisfaction that they got a reaction or they look very angry, and I am left feeling fearful for the rest of the trip.
– Sarah
Location: Los Angeles, CA
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See the book 50 Stories about Stopping Street Harassers for more idea