Sarah Fick, a founding organizer of the People’s Justice League posted this last week on her Facebook page and gave me permission to share it on the SSH blog:
True story I wrote on the sidewalk earlier today. As I was taking this photo, two prim and proper looking college aged girls walked by.

One of them tossed their hair dismissively and said in a snotty tone to the other one, who was still looking at it, “That’s fake.” I’m not upset, because I have come to expect this sort of thing. I’m posting it so that folks can see how deep misogyny runs in this culture. Young women have internalized it so hard. They are taught not to believe each other, not to believe themselves even.
[On the positive side,] we also got a lot of positive comments, shared chalk with total strangers, and had a few engaged conversations about street harassment and Black Lives Matter.
People’s Justice League will be hosting sidewalk chalking in Athens, Ohio over International Anti-Street Harassment Week – April 8 at 10 a.m. and April 9 at 8 a.m. and April 16.