Cross-posted with permission from a Hollaback email:
“Harassment is ubiquitous. It can be the commuter getting into your space on the subway, the comment under the stranger’s breath as they walk past you on the street, and the too-long stare that makes you feel like someone’s watching you on your walk home.
Often, harassment leaves us questioning ourselves, asking “did that really happen?” or even wondering what we did wrong. You can feel uncomfortable, bugged, and “off,” but you push those feelings away to be able to function.
But what does it mean when harassment becomes normalized – and what happens to you? “
This International Anti-Street Harassment Week (April 10th-16th), join us in reclaiming the mental and physical space pushed aside by harassment with the #hollaback challenge: a week-long daily challenge of reflection, healing, and action. Join the #hollaback challenge today to re-center yourself and take control of your own narrative.
When you sign up, you’ll be entered into a daily draw for some serious HOLLA-Goodies, including tote bags, buttons, iron on #catsagainstcatcalls patches, and more. It’s a win-win-win. Stories and maps will be shared through our social media. And, of course, you can always choose to remain anonymous.”