I was walking out of a yoga studio and went straight to unlock my bike. I glanced at a short guy with a black eye swollen shut. He made a beeline to me mumbling something like, “Hey, you white, you black.” I say, “Goodbye” firmly several times and ignore him while proceeding to in lock my bike. He doesn’t stop talking and keeps moving toward my bike. I tell him to f*** off and he ends up yanking out my break cable. Three guys across the street yell “Hey! Hey!” and start to cross. Dude with black eye runs off and I jump on my bike and make my escape.
How it made me feel: not super threatened because I was in a street in daylight with people around. It could’ve been worse. But UGH!!
Optional: What’s one way you think we can make public places safer for everyone?
Map instances of harassment and provide descriptions of harassers
– Sarah Hausman
Location: Petworth neighborhood in Washington, DC – Lamont and Kenyon
Share your street harassment story for the blog.
See the book 50 Stories about Stopping Street Harassers for more idea.