The shooting at the Orlando gay club over the weekend is horrendous. That Latinx LGBQT-identified people were attacked and killed in a space that was supposed to be safe is disheartening and enraging. We mourn the victims and stand with the survivors and the families affected.
We stand with those who strive for equality, acceptance, and a world where people are not hated, harassed, abused or killed because of their identity.
As a HuffPost blogger Denise Frohman wrote:
“We know homophobia didn’t end with marriage equality. We know the shooting in Orlando didn’t happen overnight — we have a cultural problem that perpetuates homophobia, racism, sexism, and Islamophobia in our schools, our streets, and on our televisions.
We are the work we have to do.
I want feel safe everywhere I go. I want liberation for all of us who live under the threat of violence…
I mourn those killed in Orlando, their families, their partners, and the peace of mind we cherished in these spaces. Tomorrow and the day after, we will work, as we’ve always done to reclaim space, even the ones we built for ourselves.”