Thank you so much to everyone who is taking a stand against street harassment this week for International Anti-Street Harassment Week 2018!! I’ll be doing daily updates to highlight various efforts occurring around the globe. Report back on your actions here.
I’m also updating the 2018 Photo Album a few times a day. You can also tag SSH on social media or email me at
Here is a sampling of the social media postings from today!

Today, several week-long initiatives kicked off today, including three daily art/photo projects.
Afghanistan: Each day of the week, Free Women Writers will share a piece of art about how women and girls in Afghanistan and around the world are harassed regardless of what they wear. Today’s art work is by @Royasaberzada.
UK: Cheer up Luv will be sharing photographs + stories on their Instagram account across the week to raise awareness about street harassment.
USA: With art from PSA Art Awakenings in Tucson and the leadership of Hey Baby | Art Against Sexual Violence, each day of Anti Street Harassment Week, the Joel Valdez Main Library in Tucson, AZ, will display different pieces of artwork that advocate for everyone’s right to be in public space and explores gender-based harassment and or ending street harassment.
Today, the two pieces are: “Beginnings” by Spyder & the “CityScape / PublicSpace” by DesertRoseEK.
These were some of the actions that took place globally!
Argentina: Accion Respeto held a debate around legal remedies to street harassment and demanded “that a comprehensive law be sanctioned that not only penalizes harassment but also takes measures to eradicate the root causes of this form of gender violence.”
Canada: Despite the cold, Hollaback! Ottawa hosted a Chalk Walk in the downtown area.
Women in Cities International, based in Montreal, launched a blog series for the week.
Chile: OCAC Chile distributed flyers about street harassment. They hung posters showing statistics of street harassment worldwide. They shared information about the need for a bill for respect in the streets.
Colombia: No Me Calle did flyering and chatted with passersby about street harassment and did a bicycle ride — #MePasóEnBici
Papua New Guinea: Sanap Wantaim Youths from Bomana participated in a street theatre session with Bob at Moresby Arts Theatre to kick of Anti-Street Harassment Week.
Yesterday, Combat SH held a chalk walk in St. Louis, MO, to raise awareness! Here are some of their pics.
Someone who saw their chalking shared this on Instagram:
Yesterday, Women Worldwide Initiative also kicked off the Week early with an event they hosted with Wordat4F in New York. They held an open mic and community discussion “to advocate for the safety of all individuals who have been victims of unwanted and inappropriate street harassment. We choose to utilize community public spaces by educating bystanders and empowering women through storytelling and poetry.”