Here’s the Day 3 report with highlights of the actions from Anti-Street Harassment Week! Don’t forget you can report back on your actions here. You can also tag SSH on social media or email me at
I’m updating the 2018 Photo Album a few times a day.
Today was the Global Tweetathon and people all over the world joined in!! Stay tuned for a round-up of tweets.
Here are the events coming up the rest of week!
Afghanistan: Each day of the week, Free Women Writers will share a piece of art about how women and girls in Afghanistan and around the world are harassed regardless of what they wear.

Argentina: Activists at Instituto de Género did street action.
Brazil: Fórum Regional de Mulheres da Zona Norte SP, Rede MÁS, SampaPé! released a short video that tells the story of the project “Walking Women! Gender Safety and Walkability Audit“. The project is a participatory methodology that gathers a diverse group of women to observe a determined area and evaluate aspects of safety perception and sustainable mobility at the same time in order to think about ideas that tackle both problems at the same time, in an social and environmental perspective.
Cambodia: ActionAid’s Safe Cities for Women Cambodia campaign collaborated with a group of sex workers and their union, the Women’s Network for Unity (WNU), to bravely say, “No More Harassment, No More Illegal Arrests.” They also remembered the life of Pen Sokunthea, who died while working last year.
Ecuador: Hollaback Cuenca-Ecuador did an official presentation of the “Solidarity Witness Guide” at Casa de la Mujer.
France: The French National Assembly is meeting to discuss concrete measures to stop street harassment!
Kenya: Flone Initiative has a new platform for mapping harassment in public spaces in Kenya. They use #ReportItStopIt and people can share their stories there. During the Global Tweetathon, they shared images of stories women have shared.
Mexico: Biblioteca Vasconcelos held a Fanzine workshop about street harassment.
Papua New Guinea: The Sanap Wantaim Campaign began raising awareness in Port Moresby ahead of their big event on 12 April!
California: Cat Call Choir is a group of irreverent but hopeful women who sing about harassment to the tune of nursery rhymes and other widely recognizable songs. They held a performance in San Francisco.
Illinois: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Women’s Resources Center hosted a “Chalk the Quad” event on the main quad of the campus. Passerby can draw chalk messages against street harassment, and there were also informational flyers. Their action was covered by the local Fox News station.
Pennsylvania: In Philadelphia, Pussy Division created a newspaper about street harassment and printed 5,000 copies and then distributed them in different Philadelphia neighborhoods, targeting areas with a lot of foot traffic. They are currently located in West Philly, South Philly, Center City, Old City and Fishtown.
They said, “It’s International Anti-Street Harassment Week and this project is our annual contribution to addressing this issue. Our focus is often publicly supporting those who have been assaulted, harassed or otherwise oppressed in the community but we decided to take a different approach with this campaign. We wanted to gear this year’s project towards asking the cis men out there to do some educational work. ‘The Philadelphia Man’ is a limited edition newspaper and a guide for cis men to get started on their own education without relying on the emotional labor of others.
We’ve been asked if there will be other newspapers but we have decided to let this project grow organically. If there’s a lot of positive responses, we may continue to publish new additions or use the boxes we created for something else.”
Check out the news article about them!
(Donations to support their projects can be paypalled to – it was an expensive one!)