Here’s the Day 4 report with highlights of the actions from Anti-Street Harassment Week! Don’t forget you can report back on your actions here. You can also tag SSH on social media or email me at I’m updating the 2018 Photo Album a few times a day.
Safe Routes to School National Partnership held a webinar and you can access the recording and slides here.
Here’s a sampling of social media posts from Egypt to India to Indonesia to USA.
Here are the events coming up the rest of week!
Afghanistan: Each day of the week, Free Women Writers will share a piece of art about how women and girls in Afghanistan and around the world are harassed regardless of what they wear.

Argentina: More street action by Instituto de Género
Bahamas: Equality Bahamas held an event about *how* we have conversations about sexual violence (including street harassment).
Belgium: Someone did spray painting on pavements!
Dominican Republic: Dilia Leticia did a radio show interview about street harassment.
Ecuador: Hollaback Cuenca-Ecuador held a Coffee-Chat about street harassment.
France: Stop Harcèlement de rue – Paris organized awareness actions on streets and public transport. One group distributed leaflets on the trains on line 12 to raise awareness of harassment on public transport. Another team did chalking near the station.
Guatemala: The Municipal Office of Women of Villa Nueva held a photo campaign.
Nepal: Youth Advocacy Nepal, ActionAid Nepal, and Everest College held a workshop about street harassment with students at Megha College. It was covered in the news!
Netherlands: Stichting Stop Straatintimidatie is producing online videos of politicians and other Dutch celebrities speaking out against street harassment. Here are two more videos.
Noa Jack, founder @dearcatcallers.
Onzenoort, chairperson of the Stop Street Harassment Foundation.
Netherlands: Over the Shoulder: A photo exposition on street harassment will be on display during a night of art, performance and drinks to bring attention to the issue of street harassment and engage communities in solutions by igniting public conversations.
Pakistan: Let me Live shared their recent street harassment video.
UK: The Bristol Street Harassment Project held an interactive trainer facilitated workshop on identifying and managing situations where conflict may arise.
CA: UC San Diego’s Center for Equity and Health and the Department of Education Studies hosted a brown bag seminar on Sexual Violence and Harassment in the US: Findings from a National Survey Following the #MeToo Movement.
CA: The USC Student Health Center did tabling about street harassment and sexual assault.
D.C, VA and MD.: SSH, Collective Action for Safe Spaces and WMATA partnered for their annual flyering at Metro stations to raise awareness about how to report sexual harassment on the transit system.
NJ: Services Empowering Rights of Victims partnered with Rowan University in Glassboro to host a chalk walk. They encouraged students to write positive messages in an effort to end street harassment.
PA: Susquehanna University did chalking at the main academic alley on campus with anti-street harassment messages.
PA: The Wellness Resource Center and Institutional Diversity – IDEAL at Temple University held an event called, “Toward Safer Public Spaces: A Dialogue on Street Harassment.”