I was at the grocery store today checking out, and chatting all the while with the clerk. I slid my card to pay, and it didn’t go through, so the clerk told me to “slide it again.” The man behind me in line–who I had barely noticed until then–interrupted my conversation with the clerk to say “ha slide it again–I bet you’ve heard that one before.” I was speechless and really couldn’t believe if I had heard right. I didn’t engage at all, and I think the clerk was just as surprised as I was. I walked away with a disgusted, slightly embarrassed, and ugh feeling, all the while knowing there was no reason I needed to feel that way.
Thanks for letting me air it out here. Let’s do whatever we can to stop this kind of junk from happening to others.
Do you have any suggestions for dealing with harassers and/or ending street harassment in general?
City/community government sponsored panel/roundtable discussions. Outreach to elementary, middle, and high schools. Outreach to men’s groups in the community. Speak at local service organizations (like Rotary) and nonprofits about this issue.
– Anonymous
Location: Safeway
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