Which story? How about this one. I was 17 and leaving a mall. Walking to my car in parking lot, a young man with baggy sweatpants followed me to my car. I noticed it and head down, hurried, getting my keys ready to get in and lock up quickly. I had my 4 yr old sister with me and hurried to get her in the backseat. He leaned on the hood of my car and started masturbating. I got in, locked the doors, drove backward as quick as I could, but not before driving forward just a little bit 🙂 Just enough to knock him on his jerk off ass.
Do you have any suggestions for dealing with harassers and/or ending street harassment in general?
It’s not very common where I live – it is rather socially unacceptable for people to be harassed on the street in most parts of Canada. Didn’t stop this particular person, who, when I reported it, I found out had been doing it to others, too.
– Anonymous
Location: Calgary, Canada