If you identify as female and are at least 18 years old, you can help out with this street harassment study.
“My name is Jana Menssink, I am a provisionally registered psychologist and am currently completing my second year of the Doctor of Psychology (Health) at Deakin University in Australia. As part of my research project, I am undertaking a study to examine women’s experiences of unwanted sexual behaviour in public spaces (e.g. public transport) and in private spheres (e.g. workplaces). Additionally, the survey assesses women’s psychological wellbeing (including stress, anxiety and body-image) and coping strategies.
The findings of the study will contribute to advancing research on sexual harassment, particularly in raising awareness and developing prevention strategies…
Even if women have not experienced any unwanted sexual behaviour they are still eligible to participate. Please find attached the plain language statement that explains the purpose of the study and the requirements for participants. Participants will be required to complete an online survey available through this link: http://www.deakin.edu.au/psychology/research/jana_menssink/
The study takes approximately 20-40 minutes to complete. The study is completely voluntary and anonymous, and has received ethics approval from the Deakin University – Human Research Ethics Committee (DUHREC).
If you have any further questions regarding the study, please do not hesitate to contact myself or the research supervisors Prof. Ricciardelli (03) 9244 6866 lina.ricciardelli@deakin.edu.au, or Dr. Satyen (03) 5227 8452 lata.satyen@deakin.edu.au.”