Though I grew up familiar with harassment I was still surprised how present it was at college. Durango, Colorado, is a small college town in the mountains full of people who want to change the world and Fort Lewis is an extraordinary college. However, within a year I had been followed across campus for asking a guy to move his truck so as not to take up two spaces and my roommate had a guy who called and texted her regularly, calling her sexy and whistling whenever she was near.
The one time I actually felt like I was in danger or the people near me were was driving through the nearby Cortez. A souped up truck with a loudspeaker on the top began following us, staying beside us and not letting me pull ahead or behind, all while shouting from their loudspeaker.
My usual way of dealing with sexual harassment is to get in the person’s face and show them that I’m anything but scared. This isn’t an option in a car and I had passengers who were in a delicate state. If it happens again I plan to pull over and see how tough they are outside their car.
– anonymous
Location: Cortez, CO
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