Thank you for joining us in 2018 for International Anti-Street Harassment Week, from April 8-14!
Here’s the wrap-up report featuring actions from 38 countries and 13 U.S. states. Here is the photo album from the week!
Making Public Spaces Safe and Welcoming
By HKearl
Thank you for joining us in 2018 for International Anti-Street Harassment Week, from April 8-14!
Here’s the wrap-up report featuring actions from 38 countries and 13 U.S. states. Here is the photo album from the week!
By HKearl
JUST LAUNCHED!! ME TOO RISING ( is a visualization of the global Me Too movement through Google Trends data.
On the site, users can explore global interest in the Me Too movement and watch as consciousness spreads over time. Users can see the cities where Me Too was trending on different dates, learn what’s happening now at local levels with city-specific Google Search results for “Me Too,” and access sexual assault resources.
Stop Street Harassment is proud to have given input on this platform and to be included as a resource. You’re not alone! #MeToo.
By HKearl
UPDATE: Here’s the Wrap-Up Report!
Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the 8th annual International Anti-Street Harassment Week! There were around 100 groups and organizations from 38 countries that took action! From marches to rallies to workshops to chalking to online campaigns and media interviews, thanks to YOU, millions of people were made more aware about why street harassment is a problem that we must take seriously to end.
You can read highlights from each day (with photos) on our blog and see the photo album.
I’m creating the annual wrap-up report — please help out by completing this form so your actions can be captured. If you haven’t already e-mailed me photos ( or tagged SSH in your photos, please do so!
Next year the Week will be held from April 7-13, 2019!
Please keep in touch and let SSH know if we can collaborate with or help promote your initiatives and efforts this year!
By HKearl
This year, International Anti-Street Harassment Week stretched out to one more day in a few places, namely in Kathmandu, Nepal, where Youth Advocacy Nepal led a coalition of groups in a demonstration against street harassment, and in New York City, USA, where we partnered with various local organizations to hold a rally and chalking. Thank you to everyone who participated!
By HKearl
Here’s the Day 6/7 report with highlights of the actions from International Anti-Street Harassment Week! Don’t forget you can report back on your actions here. You can also tag SSH on social media or email me at I’m updating the 2018 Photo Album a few times a day.
Here is a sampling of the social media postings from today, including ones from Egypt, Guatemala, Kenya, Philippines, UK and the USA.
Afghanistan: Each day of the week, Free Women Writers will share a piece of art about how women and girls in Afghanistan and around the world are harassed regardless of what they wear. Today’s art work is by @Royasaberzada.
USA: With art from PSA Art Awakenings in Tucson and the leadership of Hey Baby | Art Against Sexual Violence, each day of Anti Street Harassment Week, the Joel Valdez Main Library in Tucson, AZ, will display different pieces of artwork that advocate for everyone’s right to be in public space and explores gender-based harassment and or ending street harassment. Here are some of the recent pieces.
Meisha Burrows ‘One’
Frances Hudon-Green ‘ What If Everything Said by People on the Street was Positive’
Carlene Say ‘School Harassment’
Scott Osburn ‘Ice Cream Cone’
Argentina: Accion Respeto will be holding a rally on the night of the 14th.
France: Stop Harcèlement de rue held a Krav Maga lesson.
France: Stop harcèlement de rue Monptellier held a march against street harassment and they collected testimonies of street harassment.
Guatemala: Observatorio Contra el Acoso Callejero Guatemala held a demonstration against street harassment at the central park.
India: Students at Ranchi Women’s College wrote messages and art about street harassment.
Indonesia: Hollaback! Jakarta held a bystander intervention workshop and event at the U.S. Embassy’s American cultural center.
Mexico: Biblioteca Vasconcelos held a conversation about women walking at night.
Netherlands: Stop Straatintimidatie released a video with feminist journalist Milou Deelen.
Peru: Paremos el Acoso Callejero organized a street harassment support group discussion in Lima.
Spain: Levantalavoz Madrid did sidewalk chalking!
Trinidad and Tobago: Ms. Brafit / Safecity collaborated with students at UWI St. Augustine’s Geography Department to spread messages about safety in public spaces.
Michigan: Hollaback! Detroit made their second edition zine and held an Open Mic with an anti-harassment theme.
Washington, D.C.: Batala, Free Women Writer’s DC group, SSH and Collective Action for Safe Spaces did street action, including drumming, chalking and flyering.