As I left my workplace for lunch today, two men commented on my looks as I walked by. Unfortunately, this is commonplace in the area, so I ignored it as usual. Then, a man I walked past turned to walk with me for a whole block. He said, “You’re cute. You’re not Kim Kardashian or anything, but you have a cute mole,” referring to the birthmark on my face. I asked him to please stop following me, but he kept pace with me and kept making comments, so I turned around to walk the other way and went behind a building and cried. His backhanded compliments were unusual, but that wasn’t what made me cry. The feeling of helplessness as he followed me down the street and the unsolicited comments he made about my body made me feel violated. As if my body is not my own space. I haven’t had an experience yet that would make me exceptionally fearful for my physical safety on the street, but this feeling of violation and insignificance is commonplace and psychologically damaging.
Location: Oakland, CA
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See the book 50 Stories about Stopping Street Harassers for ideas.