Check out this new collaboration and way to help document street harassment stories –>
No one deserves to face street harassment. We all deserve safe access to public space. This #antistreetharassmentweek Catcalls of NYC and Safecity launched their collaboration so that together they can collect more stories of street harassment.

Catcallsof NYC receives many DMs about their communities’ experiences so that they can provide support and chalk the incidents. But as a volunteer-based team, it is difficult to collect all the stories in one place and organize the data. So this collaboration allows for everyone who feels comfortable to report their stories to the Safecity app, available in the App Store for iPhones and androids and on the website. Catcalls will pick up the stories from there and chalk them. They will still be available for sharing stories on DM, but this new tool will ensure that all the stories contribute to a larger map of street harassment. We wish to make sure that everyone knows the magnitude of this problem. Report your story today.