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Street Harassment Stories:
Share your story! You can read street harassment stories on the Web at:
Collective Action for Safe Spaces
The Hollaback Sites
Ramallah Street Watch in Palestine
Street Harassment in South Africa
Street Harassment in the News, on the Blogs:
* LA Magazine, “Street Harassment’s #1 Enemy Rolls into Town“
* Hollaback Boston, “Race, Street Harassment and Identity“
* iDiva, “Fear, Pain, and Life in a Big Metro“
* Times of India, “Women’s group strips tempos of music systems“
* The Guardian, “Sexual harassment is ‘normal’ in clubs, but are things about to change?“
* Ahram Online, “Fighting sexual harassment“
* BuzzFeed, “11 Films That Make Sexual Harassment A Joke“
* The Dakota Student, “Catcalls less than complimentary“
* Daily News & Analysis, “This Holi ride safely, traffic police on a lookout“
* The Stranger, “Responding to Street Harassment: A Bystander’s Guide“
* The Daily Beast, “Laws Protecting Women From Upskirt Photo Assaults Fall Short“
* The Hindu, “Look in the mirror“
* Community Times, “One woman seeks to reclaim public space for all women in Egypt“
* Gradient Lair, “Racism IS Relevant In Street Harassment. But Not In the Racist Way Regularly Assumed“
*Thanks to so many generous donors, the national street harassment survey was completed last week and the national report will be released in May.
* If your group, organization, or campus plans to participate in International Anti-Street Harassment Week, please contact Holly (hkearl @ stopstreetharassment.org) and we can add you to the list of participating co-sponsors.
10 Tweets From the Week:
* @tamzinrose: it’s kind of amazing how much more street harassment i get when i am wearing a dress (with opaque tights) vs when i am wearing jeans
* @carolynlb: Now up to 3 incidents of #streetharassment this weekend. #endsh What I’d like to do to every creeper: http://media.giphy.com/media/za0WewKzFf0ME/giphy.gif
* @sarrusophones: why is street harassment still a thing? like, who actually thinks that it’s ok or that girls are flattered by it
* @Karnythia: mind you, when my locs were long I almost couldn’t hack the uptick in street harassment that comes along with being femme & black in Chicago.
* @UraidahH: The sun is out, let the #streetharassment begin. Sigh… walking to brunch @StopStHarassmnt #nyc
* @slowdumbshowman: Guys, if a woman reveals that she is a survivor of sexual assault or street harassment, do not respond with, “Not all men…”.
* @emzeymp: @jennygadget I would hope we acknowledge this often. Every time I’ve been SH’d, it has been by a man at least double my age. @StopStHarassmnt
* @courteousholBir: Please relay the message to boys that catcalling is never a good thing and they shouldn’t do it
* @allyrhodesmusic: reminder that catcalling is not meant to flatter women, its only purpose is to make us feel unsafe
* @asti_spumante: I like reading books about @HillaryClinton in public. It keeps annoying, ignorant men from catcalling/harassing you. that’s right, run away.