Guest Blog Post for International Anti-Street Harassment Week 2015
“Hey baby,” leered the greasy man on the public street in broad daylight
I am 12
Why is no one stopping him?
I walk
“I’m talking to you, bitch” he progressed
There are people around
I am 12
I walk, feeling his gaze imagining what’s underneath my clothing
Six and a half out of ten and I am one of them
I am 12
I faced my first harasser
I felt his gaze linger
I felt the sweat droplets roll down my face. It was hot. It was summer.
I was taught to dress modest though it is 100 degrees
I am 12
I am being sexualized
I am being called a slut and a whore and a cunt for ignoring these greasy men
I am “asking for this attention” and this “attention is a compliment” and “how are men supposed to meet women if they can’t yell obscenities at them from the street?”
How is a 12 year old supposed to walk down a street alone?
Why am I expected to carry pepper spray with me at 12?
Why was it that I got pepper spray for Christmas when I was 15?
Why do I have to change my habits to accommodate these grown greasy men?
Why is this happening to 11 and 12 and 13 and 25 year olds?
Why is it that our walk has to be commented on?
Why is our body being treated like a public display?
Why are girls constantly sexualized unwillingly?
What is appealing about lack of consent?
Why am I being sexualized at 12?
“Hey baby” is a phrase that haunts many women
“Hey baby” perpetuates the culture that shames women’s natural bodies while simultaneously sexualizing them
“Hey baby” has been said to roughly 65% of women
“Hey baby” is not my name
I was 12
I am 17 and I’ve been harassed ever since.
Chloe Parker, from @rebel.grrrl