Watch “Dear Stranger,” created by Hanna Cortés, a student at the Vancouver Film School.
Hanna wrote the following about the project:
“Dear Stranger” is a project that reflects the situation of a woman being harassed on the streets. It was inspired from watching lots of women (including myself) feeling uncomfortable when walking to work, school or just home.
One evening, I was getting ready to go to a bar close to my place and I realized how much I change my clothes to try to “not grab attention from men.” I thought it was absurd, because that night I wasn’t even showing that much skin. I was wearing a simple skirt and a plaid shirt. I was confused but decided to be myself and that’s what I’ve been doing. It shouldn’t matter how much or how few clothes you are wearing, people should have respect for others.
I hope this video helps men understand how bad it is for a woman to be followed, looked at and talked to without any respect. I encourage women to be themselves everyday, that’s a beautiful thing, and it should not be taken away because of someone in the street.
Again, thanks so much to Stop Street Harassment for their everyday labour. Thanks to Holly Kearl for all the support.”
Thank you for using your talents to bring attention to this issue, Hanna!