“Sidewalks, street crossings, corridors, and concrete are hostile territory for women and girls who experience verbal and physical assault from men on a daily basis.
This is the official trailer for the feature length documentary that explores how women deal with this daily violence. It will especially look at how women are fighting back and defining their own personal and public spaces.The documentary adds to a bustling dialogue on gender and body politics, as it delves into women’s rights to exist freely in society.
We just edited the first 30-minute version of the documentary and are in continual production. If you have experienced, witnessed, been involved in, and/or taken a stand against street harassment and have a perspective or story to share, PLEASE contact Nijla Mumin at Nijla1@gmail.com. Please also watch out for BACK UP! at a film festival or community forum near you!”
From AOL Video. My thanks to Dienna for the tip