Story Submissions Recap:
I accept street harassment submissions from anywhere in the world. Share your story!
- Stop Street Harassment Blog: 6 new stories from women in New York (1 & 2), Wales (1 & 2), Belize, and Leeds (UK)
- HollaBack DC!: 2 new stories
- HollaBack NYC: 4 new stories
- HollaBackLDN: 5 new stories
- HollaBack PGH!: 1 new story
In the News, On the Blogs:
- CNN, “Man accused of assaulting airline passenger“
- Hello Ladies, “Personal Responsibility“
- Small Strokes, “Street Harassment. While Driving“
- June Bug Talk, “Street Harassment and the Problem of WWF (walking while female)“
- Men’s Anti-Violence Council, “Street Harassment Event“
- Penultimo, “Ultimo v. East Harlem: some thoughts on sexual harassment“
- DiamondBack Online, “Washington group tells students to ‘holla back’“
- The Daily Iowan, “Lecturer discusses street harassment“
- Stop Street Harassment, “What we wish street harassers would really say“

- The UK Anti-Street Harassment Campaign met with HollaBackLND & the Guardian‘s Rosie Swash to hold a community anti-street harassment meeting. They also launched a community art project.
- Is the book Stop Street Harassment at your library? If not, request it! You can also buy it online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
- HollaBack NYC is hiring a Program Director & had a new website!
- HollaBack DC! is looking for a graphic design intern
- RightRides is looking for interns & volunteers in NYC
Upcoming Events:
- Oct. 25: HollaBack DC & NYC & RightRides talk at Barnard, NY, 6:30 p.m.
- Oct. 28: Public hearing on street harassment in NYC, 1 p.m.
10 Tweets from the Week:
- snakesforhair To the sleazebag men of the world: if you whistle & fucking catcall at a woman & she ignores you, this doesn’t mean you should do it again.
- pedestrienne @cardiffbites Don’t let it go unnoted! Report #streetharassment here: Victimising women must stop.
- missystark past few days i received 2 wolf whistles & 2 other assorted types of street harassment…i didnt know wolf whistles were still in style…
- iHollaback Slideshow on #streetharassment with a little Ani DiFranco in the background.
- StephieMae Getting ready to prep for a discussion of street harassment in tomorrow’s class…
- BLANK_NOISE #blanknoisethisplace site of violence isnt fiction. take a pic of place u experienced #streetharassment
- nwilborn19 @carolynedgar she’s a baby, that’s horrible. I’m not a fan of street harassment of grown women. Its infuriating to see it happen to children
- Darrenissane RT @rm_phoenix: Street harassment is a really important issue, for both women & men. Please check out @lashcampaign & @hollabackLDN Retweet
- kimi2710 Today I finished writing an essay about sexual harassment at work and in public!
- JessiDG I’m decided. Protester shadowing a woman, muttering and “counseling” her = #streetharassment. It’s not speech; it’s intimidation.