Trigger Warning for language –

In South Korea, a college student was subjected to vile words of sexual harassment while riding the subway. Via Korea Bang:
“‘On the 7th of May, at 1 PM I was on the subway from Sadang station, and was victimized by an old man who verbally abused me,’ went the story reportedly posted by a female university student on a portal site webboard.
According to her post, the old man continuously mumbled, ‘You look ripe for gangbang. Good for gangbanging. Do you know what gangbang is? That’s what you are, a gangbang’ at her.
Taken aback by this abuse and not knowing what to do, she could only look away while he continued to verbally abuse her for next 3 stops. She wrote ‘I could not do or say anything because he was an old man and I was such a shock that I could not even dial for police.’ In a state of bewilderment she took the photo of her assailant.
Seeing this, the old man up the ante with more abuses: ‘What, photo? Take it, you are a gangbang. I am an idiot. Take my picture. Should I take your pants off and take some pictures too?’
The student got off at Shinrim Station and immediately reported to the police. But the police responded that ‘if you had called at the spot, we could have detained the man but this is too late already. It is impossible to find [him] with pictures alone.’
She wrote ‘For 8 long minutes I was subjected to torrents of abuse in front of so many people and felt incredibly humiliated. I understand ‘gangbang’ is a word for gang-raping woman. I am so paralized by the sense of indignation now. I would very much like to serve him justice.’
In the posted article she posted the suspect’s photos uncensored.”
First – it’s so disgusting and terrible that he subjected her to this kind of abuse. Second – why do so many laws end up protecting the perpetrators of these crimes?! Ridiculous. Third – Even if he is never held accountable by the law, at least she’s been able to get some justice by publicly shaming him by telling her story and posting his photo.
We’ve all got to keep speaking out until these incidents end!