I’ve been sexually harassed three times in the past month, just on the street. Honestly, I don’t even know if it’s sexual harassment or not, but it makes me feel really intimated and scared to walk on streets even just to go to the shop.
I’m only 15 years old, so for this to be happening to someone at such a young age, really shocks me.
The first time it happened was when I was going to meet a friend. I dressed up nicely, in large trousers and a top, put on light makeup. This was around 1 p.m. when it happened. I was walking around the corner of the road I lived on and this boy, maybe three years older than me, said, “Oi babe, you’re so peng.” And walks off.
The next time it happened was when I was taking my mum’s washing to dry at the laundrette. I had no makeup on, and I wasn’t wearing anything special, yet while I was walking past a group of boys, maybe again three years older than me, they stopped me and one guy said, “Please can I see your panties?” Then when I walked off, they started wolf whistling and then said, “Oh, you play hard to get”.
The third time happened when I was in my school uniform. I was walking past a guy, maybe of around 40 years of age, and said, “Hey babe, come and join me in my bed tonight.” I wanted to cry.
The fact that I can’t even feel safe in my own area, let alone somewhere else, and to be able to walk freely at such a young age disgusts me.
– Anonymous
Location: London
Need support? Call the toll-free National Street Harassment hotline: 855-897-5910
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See the book 50 Stories about Stopping Street Harassers for ideas.